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Makeup Artistry Certification

Are you interested in taking your makeup artistry skill to the next level.  Our beauty certification classes in Arlington dive deep into the art of makeup.  You will leave confidently knowing how to color match foundation for all skin tones.  Learn how to enhance your clients best features.  Learn which products work best together and combinations to avoid.  Learn the tips and tricks to a perfect makeup application.  From the no makeup look to the super glam, this class will give you the tools you need to succeed.

Certification Courses Offered: What's Happening
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Foundations of Makeup Artistry
2 Day Course


Class Date: July 10th - July 11th

Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Cost: $800.00

This class is perfect for both novice and experienced makeup artist. Our beauty certification classes in Arlington will prepare you in confidently providing makeup services for all skin tones.  This class dives deep into the history, theory, chemistry and technique of makeup artistry.  You will participate in a hands on demonstration designed to make applying makeup easier and more comprehensive for the you.

Day 1 Bring pen, notebook and your personal makeup kit. This includes your makeup and brushes.  Topics covered during class include: - History of makeup artistry - Infection Control - Tools, products and chemistry of products - Color theory - Facial features - Precise eyeshadow placement and blending, including false eyelash application - Perfecting brows - Proper foundation and concealer application, including color correcting and blending Instruction on placement and selection of products used on the face. Various tips and tricks to make your makeup application successful and even more beautiful How to achieve a beautiful lip

Day 2 is Model day! You will put everything you learned into action on this day.  attendees will need to supply a model for class.

Certification Courses Offered: Courses
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